Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy Beezeday, Number Three!

Hope it brings you every Ting-Ting you ever wanted!

But wait, there's more!

Slightly less intelligible:

And an end note:


Cammila said...

This is just epic cuteness, such cuteness that it would require Charlton Heston and a cast of thousands to capture it in a movie.

Oh, and this is Cammila, the gal you ladies met at that vintage store on State Street, the Getup. I did post pictures on my blog of that green tulle prom dress -- just as I was ordered! ;)

Beezer No. 3 said...

Wowee! How could anyone not love THIS serenade! Thanks 1!

Beezer the First said...

No prob, No. 3! Hi Cammilla! Thanks for stopping by. Your blog is awesome, too. You seem like a kindred beezer.